Supplements Overview...
Below are our articles on the subject of Supplements Overview. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can Fish Oils Make My Children Smarter?
If you're looking for a way to boost your child's brainpower, then fish oils rich in Omega-3 fatty acids could be the answer, according to some studies. Then again,…...

Can Soy Protein Reduce Cholesterol?
Studies are still inconclusive as to whether soy protein can really lower the "bad" cholesterol in our bodies. But if you replace fatty foods with soy protein…...

Consumer Safety Advice on Supplement Use
Before you take a supplement, it's important to know whether it's the right one for you. That means thinking twice about their efficacy and safety before reaching for…...

Do Fertility Herbs and Supplements Help?
Many people, men and women alike, resort to taking herbal supplements in a bid to cure infertility problems. If you have ruled out a real medical reason why you cannot…...

Horse Chestnut for Chronic Venous Insufficiency
The raw seeds may be poisonous, but when processed correctly the fruit of the Horse Chestnut tree can help treat Chronic Venous Insufficiency, or CVI......

How Can Chondroitin Help my Joints?
Teamed with glucosamine, the dietary supplement chondroitin is thought to benefit people who suffer from osteoarthritis or other forms of joint pain, and some people…...

How do I Know a Health Supplement is Safe?
As we become a more health-conscious nation, we are doing all we can to improve our diets, lifestyles and overall well-being. Often that means supplementing our diet…...

How Does Melatonin Cure Jet Lag?
Melatonin is used the world over to help people with sleep disorders, and specifically to ease the symptoms of jet lag. But while it is freely available in some…...

How Should I Take Supplements?
If you decide to take nutritional supplements to boost an already healthy diet, make sure you take them properly and at the right time of day, without interfering with…...

Issues to Consider Before Taking Supplements
Many of us believe that "all-natural" dietary supplements will never do more harm than good. Unfortunately, that's not the case. There are many issues to consider…...

Lycopene as a Natural Anti-oxidant
Lycopene is considered a natural anti-oxidant that can be beneficial in preventing both cancer and cardiovascular disease. The nice thing is that it's easy to get a…...

Saw Palmetto to Relieve Prostate Problems
A dwarf palm tree native to the United States is proving useful in treating some conditions of the prostate. If you are interested in supplements made from the fruit…...

Supplements for Hair, Skin and Nails
Having healthy skin, hair and nails is a key component to looking good. That's why so many women take a supplement specially formulated to help those three areas,…...

What are Licensing Laws Regarding Supplements?
The health or nutritional supplement industry is not a very well-regulated one, so if you choose to take regular supplements make sure you are aware of what you're…...

What Are the Pros and Cons of Supplement Use?
Nutritional supplements may sound like a good idea, but in most cases a well-balanced diet is all you need to stay healthy. If you do decide to take supplements of any…...

What is a Health Supplement?
The craze for nutritional supplements has taken us by storm - but do we really need them? And what's exactly in a supplement, anyway?...

What is the View of the NHS on Supplements?
We all know how important a balanced diet is, but the debate concerning whether or not we should take nutritional supplements lingers on. What does the NHS say?...

Why is Glucosamine the Most Popular Joint Supplement?
May studies have shown that glucosamine supplements can help alleviate some of the pain and stress associated with osteoarthritis, or just simple wear and tear on the…...