Sports & Performance...
Below are our articles on the subject of Sports & Performance. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Can Caffeine Improve Sports Performance?
Many people depend on caffeine to get them started in the morning. but can it also work as a regular way to improve your sports performance? Like any supplement, it…...
Can Ephedra-Free Products (Thermogenics) Improve Performance?
As a nutritional supplement designed to replace products containing ephedra, ephedra-free capsules, pills, nutrition bars and energy drinks were thought to be safe.…...
Can Folic Acid Help Improve Aerobic Activity?
Long associated with pregnancy, folic acid has been clinically proven to reduce the risk of having a baby born with neural tube defects. But did you know that this B…...
Can Glucosamine Be Used for Sports Performance?
The most popular joint supplement on the market today, glucosamine is also often used as a nutritional sports supplement to improve overall performance and help people…...
Can Green Tea Supplements Improve Metabolism?
Green tea not only tastes good, it's good for you. And now this miracle leaf has been shown to also aid in weight loss, as it can increase your metabolism rate. What…...
Can Supplements Make Me a Better Athlete?
Sports supplements are often seen as a miracle aid to get the best sports performance possible. But can a proper diet do as much to improve your exercise and fitness…...
How Can B-Vitamins Help?
While we get vitamin B from a lot of the foods we eat, a deficiency can impact our hair, skin, nails, moods and even our overall fitness levels. Many people take a…...
How Can Ribose Help with Sports Performance?
Ribose is seen as one of the safest sports supplements around. Unfortunately, there is scant evidence to prove that it can actually be of any help whatsoever in…...
What are Sports Supplements?
More and more people these days rely on sports supplements to improve their sports performance. But is taking them on a regular basis really a good idea?...
What Are Workout Recovery Supplements?
Special supplements designed to help us recover quicker following intense exercise can be a great help for bodybuilders and runners in particular. It's important,…...
Why is Creatine Used to Improve Sports Performance?
Touted as perhaps the safest of all sports supplements, creatine has a worldwide reputation as a high-performance naturally occurring sports aid, popularised by…...
Why Whey Protein?
Whey protein is becoming an increasingly popular sports supplement, used by bodybuilders who want to increase muscle mass and dieters who want to lose fat. While too…...
Will Ginseng Improve my Sports Performance?
A root that grows mainly in Asia that has been used medicinally for thousands of years, ginseng is now receiving loads of attention as a safe herbal supplement that…...