Mood Supplements...
Below are our articles on the subject of Mood Supplements. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can Black Cohosh Relieve Menopausal Symptoms?
Taking herbal supplements of the black cohosh plant is seen as a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, for many women. While it may help ease a…...

Can Ginkgo Biloba Stabilise my Moods?
Ginkgo biloba is one of the most widely used and widely prescribed herbal supplements in the world. But while it has been shown to help improve memory, concentration,…...

Can Lecithin Really Improve Brain Function?
Lecithin is a health supplement that has been shown to play a role in helping our brains to function better, including improving memory loss. It is also extremely…...

How Can Evening Primrose Oil Help My Moods?
Evening primrose oil is considered by many to be a natural mood enhancer, helping to restore balance and serenity in even the moodiest of people. That's because it…...

Is Valerian Safe to Take?
In clinical trials, the valerian herb has been shown to be of benefit to people with mild to moderate insomnia. But can it also help those suffering from anxiety - and…...

What are Natural Mood Enhancers?
Natural mood enhancers are used by many people who want to stabilise their moods and fight depression the natural way. These nutritional supplements help boost the…...

What is 5-HTP, and Can It Help Stabilise Moods?
Known as a natural mood enhancer, 5-HTP helps boost the levels of serotonin in the brain, which makes us feel good and alleviates depression. This nutritional…...

What is Rhodiola Rosea?
The benefits of the rhodiola rosea plant were known in the former Soviet Union for decades, but kept a classified state secret. Now the entire world is getting to know…...

What is St John's Wort?
It's been referred to as the herbal "Prozac", but it comes with a host of health warnings due to potential interactions with other medications. If taken properly under…...

Why is the Melissa Herb a Mood Ehancer?
Melissa enjoys a global reputation as a calming, soothing herb, which is why it's known as a natural mood enhancer. It can help not only with depression and insomnia…...